
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others only gargle. You gargled didn't you??

Thursday, August 26, 2010

4.05 A.M. When perseverance pays off.

Today I blog while tired but incredibly proud.
Today I beam from ear to ear, for I'm the proudest little sister on this planet.
Today .. I share the story of My Brother.

As a kid he always.. ALWAYS had huge dreams about being an engineer.
As a school child .. He studied hard and got good grades.
As a college student .. He worked and supported the family when things got tough WHILE studying and managing to still maintain his honors standing.
As a University Graduate .. He found out who his true friends were, who was truly there for him, and who was in need of him.
My brother has endured some pretty nasty stuff .. stuff that .. i rather not mention and maybe just maybe if you ask me I may tell you.
But next week, on monday at 4 pm .. my brother comes home after 4 years, an engineer .. An International Drilling Fluids Specialist.

My brother.. My older brother <3

apart from that i'm really really tired right now .. so maybe just maybe this post isn't as well written as my other posts.

been on my feet all day slogging as my cousins place for her wedding.

Proper updates soon!

Goodnight Dear Reader.

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