Never attempt to put eyeliner on in a car.
You may think your doing great! You've got one eye done perfectly and you've waited a couple of minutes extra to make sure it's dry and you get started on eye no.2.
But BAM!....
The person driving the car slams the breaks unexpectedly, your eyeliner wand jabs into your cornea, all you can see for the next 5 minutes are red stars and tears start to flow uncontrollably.
You instinctively rub your eye with the back part of your hand.
Your eyeliner smudges all over the side of your face.
Your eye looks puffy and red,
and your every hope of trying to look pretty in an emergent situation fails... Epicly
because now not only do you look like a blow fish.. but your attempt to reapply eyeliner only results in more tears from your poor eye.
so yes dear reader .. don't apply eyeliner in the car.
LoL wut @.@;! poor eye T.T